

Generic Unpacker (通用脫殼機) 繁體中文

Generic Unpacker - deroko of ARTeam

This is small project started for my own needs, and for testing my memory
tracing engine. Code should be able to unpack simple packers like upx,fsg,
aspack and similar. I have ested it only on those 3 mentioned. As code
unpacking code is generic (eg. no special cases for different packers), most
targets (except those listed) might fail.

This is released more as example on how to write unpackers, then real
unpacking tool.

Dream Of Every Reverser is here updated to support MP systems, and also
now it has nice communication interface with ring3 application.

- still Win2k3 not supported
- KAV shit and othe shitty AVs NOT supported

deroko of ARTeam







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